We are a Christ-forming community of people who aim to know God, find freedom, discover purpose and make a difference in the world! If you are also desiring these things, welcome home.

Announcements for Sunday, February 14

Small Groups have begun!

Our directory of Small Groups is available on our website, by clicking here!
Be sure to check out all 11 groups and ask any questions you may have.
You can also sign up for a group by clicking the button in each group’s description.
Sign up today!

NEXT Steps

NEXT Steps is a 4-week mini small group that provides foundational knowledge of Christ Community Church and invites you to know God, provides opportunity to find freedom, discover purpose and offers avenues to make a difference!

NEXT Steps is encouraged for all attending Christ Community and is offered Sunday mornings at 11:45am on our lower level. Hope to see you there!

First Presbyterian Lent Service
First Presbyterian Church (114 E. Jefferson) will be holding a special Lent service on Wednesday, February 17th from 7pm-7:30pm. The service is in-person and available on YouTube by searching FPC Ottawa.

CCWM: Globe40
One of the missions organizations we partner with is Cup of Cold Water Ministries, which is a missions sending organization. This ministry partners with 35 leaders around the globe, who proclaim and demonstrate the gospel of Jesus! Cup of Cold Water is hosting an online event called Globe40 February 27th at 7pm. It is a missions event that goes live around the world for forty minutes to visit their missionaries, and much more. To get more information about this event, check out their website ccwm.org.


We promise not to hassle you, but would love to thank you for joining us this morning! When you submit an online connection card, we will mail you a card for a free drink at your local Jeremiah Joe Coffee.