August 2022: 21 Days of Prayer – Praise Reports
  1. Thank God for providing everything I need and more and to keep providing financially for me and my family so that I can focus on my schooling and kids and family. – Megen B & fam
  2. On Tuesday, I get to have my catheter permanently removed.
  3. Kinley’s surgery was very successful and she’s home!
  4. Praise the Lord for a healthy baby, Thomas Edwin Sittig, born 8-11 at 5:26pm; 10lbs 3oz, 22.5 in. Mom & baby are well.
  5. God saved my life at the end of July and has blessed me everyday since, too many to write down here. I’ve never felt the holy spirit before now. – Jesica
  6. We’ve experienced a financial increase! We’re able to put more money towards a down payment and have better food quality to increase our health
  7. Praising God for the safe delivery of Thomas Edwin Sittig. He got his shoulder stuck during delivery and the doctor called an emergency code as nurses yanked on Thomas’ head. He was dislodged and unharmed. – Joy