August 2021: Praise Reports!

  1. Kylie Jewett underwent a risky heart surgery and had not awoke from anesthesia as the doctors thought she would. As they were doing the second EEG to assess neurological activity, she sat straight up in bed, as if nothing ever happened. Full neurological activity in tact!!
  2. After that surgery, Kylie was supposed to have another surgery to continue to repair her heart. Doctors now say her heart is so strong she will not need that surgery!
  3. Members of CCC were able to take Ray Parker for his eye surgery and Ray is able to see much better!
  4. Shelbi Walsh was baptized a couple weeks ago!
  5. Three students were baptized at Impact Camp last week!
  6. Three students gave their lives to the Lord at Impact Camp last week!
  7. God’s protection was with some of our leaders as they encountered trouble on the road on the way to the airport last week!
  8. 5 people are wanting to be baptized on September 12 (CCC-wide baptism)!
  9. Amber Pender is CCC’s new Elementary Kid’s Ministry Team Leader!
  10. Kim Jewett is CCC’s new Wee Care Kid’s Ministry Team Leader!
  11. Shelbi Walsh is CCC’s new Student Ministry Team Leader!
  12. The Morris family has found a used car in the desired price range!