Weekly Announcements: Week of November 8th

Due to rising numbers of covid-19 in our area, many families of CCC have recently been affected, whether by quarantine, infection or by family being affected.
Our hearts and prayers are with each of you right now.

If you are being affected by covid-19, please reach out to the church. We would like to pray with you, do what we can to provide meals if needed and learn how we can support you through this time.

For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’” Matthew 25:35-36


Honoring Veterans

We are grateful to those who have taken an oath to protect the United States. We celebrate all veterans today and thank them for their service!




Make a Reservation for Sunday!
As we make efforts to align with new state guidelines and slow the spread of COVID-19, we will be reducing the number of attendees in our Sunday services.
As we also aim to be hospitable, we have implemented a new reservation system. If you desire to be in-person for our Sunday morning gathering, please head to our website and follow the link in the pop-up to make a reservation for you and/or your family.
Being mindful of welcoming guests, we have already set aside some spots for those joining us for the first time.
Reservations are open now and will be available each Monday, for the following Sunday.

If you are not able to join us in person, please join us on live stream, where we will have a new live chat feature, highlighted below!

Live Chat on Sunday Morning!

Will you be joining us on live stream on Sunday morning?
Make sure to check in through our new live chat feature, located just below the video on the Sunday morning page!

This Sunday will be a great time to send in any questions you have, chat with others attending online or just say hello!



Freezin’ for a Reezin’
Each year, we are involved in a community wide food drive where CCC comes together to donate 500 pounds of food!

Due to Covid circumstances, things will now look a little different.
This year, they are raising money to buy the food that is needed for the community. Instead of gathering 500 pounds of food, we will be donating $665, enough for 500 meals!
If you would like to donate toward this, please mark Freezin’ for a Reezin’ on your donation. Thank you!


The concept of together is more important now than ever. Though it’s true we are not gathering together as much in our building, we are still in the middle of updates so we can be ready when we again will host community and CCC body for church services, groups and events.

To learn more about the Build Together project and see the updates, visit the “Build Together” webpage, located near the top of our website.

We have begun updates, but would like to continue with installing new lighting, painting, and making some other cosmetic changes. The financial campaign will end December 31st, 2020. Make your donation today and partner with us in this endeavor! Please mark “Build Together” on your donation, either online, through CashApp, Venmo, or in person!