Weekly Announcements: Week of November 15th

Sunday Gatherings
As we adhere to the new state guidelines, we will primarily be live-streaming our Sunday services.
If you do not have internet to participate in the service, or would like to attend with a guest, please reserve a spot in our lower level, as we will be welcoming 10 people for the Sunday service. You can do that by visiting our website, www.christcommunityottawa.org
A letter from Pastor John can be read in the email that was distributed earlier today, on our Facebook or Instagram pages or on our website under the Sunday Gatherings tab at the top.


Special Thanksgiving Service

Tune in to our live stream this Sunday for a special Thanksgiving service!

Who and what are you thankful for?
Let us know in the live chat during service!

Freezin’ for a Reezin’
Each year, we are involved in a community wide food drive where CCC comes together to donate 500 pounds of food!

Due to Covid circumstances, things will now look a little different.
This year, they are raising money to buy the food that is needed for the community. Instead of gathering 500 pounds of food, we will be donating $665, enough for 500 meals!
If you would like to donate toward this, please mark Freezin’ for a Reezin’ on your donation. Thank you!

Community Meal
Sunday, November 29th, we will be serving the community a free meal, via curbside pickup just outside the front doors of the building. Those meals will be packed to go by our Community Meal Grow Team.
If you would like to donate funds toward that meal, please mark community meal on your donation, thank you!



Ladies Breakfast & Shopping–via Zoom!

For many years, during this season, the ladies of CCC have gathered for breakfast and ventured on a shopping trip together.
This year, the tradition will take a different form.
Instead of gathering in the same place, we’d like to invite you to grab your breakfast and gather via Zoom at 9am Saturday, December 5th! We’ll check in with each other, have some fun and continue the tradition of meeting together during this season! Watch for the Zoom link in upcoming communications!