Weekly Announcements: Week of December 27th

Sunday Gatherings
As we adhere to the current state guidelines, we will primarily be live-streaming our Sunday services.
If you do not have internet to participate in the service, or would like to attend with a guest, please reserve a spot in our lower level, as we will be welcoming 10 people for the Sunday service. You can do that by visiting our website, www.christcommunityottawa.org



21 Days of Prayer begins Sunday!
Twice a year, we intentionally set aside 21 consecutive days to pray together and seek the heart of God for our church, city, nation and world as well as our own lives.

Since we cannot gather in person this year, we will be live streaming each morning of prayer. Beginning next Monday-Friday, the live stream will be from 6am-7am and Saturday from 8am-9am, Sundays will continue to be at 10am. On our homepage is a link to the 21 Days of Prayer webpage to join each morning The recording will be available for 24 hours if you cannot join us at the time we are live.

Each year, we lay prayer request cards on the altar to be prayed over every day. We invite you to contribute your prayer requests online this year. Each day, the webpage devoted to all things relating to 21 Days of Prayer will be updated with new prayer requests, giving the opportunity for all to be prayed over in real-time! The prayer request button is located on any Sunday morning webpage and on the 21 Days of Prayer page. Please let us know how we can pray with you!

Family Bags & Pray First bracelet pickup
If you registered for a family bag from our Kid’s Ministry Grow Team, you can pick that up this Sunday between 11:30am-12pm at the rear entrance to the church at 807 LaSalle St. If you did not register for one, but would like one, please respond to this email!

If you would like a Pray First bracelet, a great reminder throughout the day, you can pick it up this Sunday between11:30am-12pm at the rear entrance to the church at 807 LaSalle St.

Small Group Leader Meeting
A special training session for all trained Small Group Leaders will be held this Sunday!
The session will be on Zoom from 11:30-12:30.
Please refer to the email from Bob for the Zoom link or reply to this email.
If you are not trained as a Small Group Leader, please contact Bob Pursley.

So many exciting things have happened this year, in our building, in small groups, in our community and in our hearts! We have truly come together and built things we didn’t imagine before 2020! Watch your email for upcoming updates on the project!

Your generosity allows the space we will meet in again someday to be a place where people can come to know God, find freedom, discover purpose and make a difference!

Our Build Together campaign will wrap up tomorrow. If the Lord leads, we would like to install new lighting in the upper room and paint it. If you would like to give to the continuation of this project, please mark “Build Together” on your donation, either online, through CashApp, Venmo or by texting 84321.