Weekly Announcements: Week of August 23rd

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Fall Semester of Small Groups has begun!

Small groups have one, simple purpose: to bring people together. We believe God created us to live in relationship with others and only then can we live the full life He intends for us.

Please click here for a list of our current & open Small Groups!

Community Meal.copy

This Sunday, we will be hosting the Community Meal.
During this time, we invite anyone from the community to gather in the Lower Level of the 807 Building to enjoy a free meal and fellowship together.  If you would like to help set up, serve, clean up or help in any other way, please contact Nancy Cronkright.  If you signed up to bring a dish for the lunch, please bring it to the Lower Level kitchen by 10am, Sunday.

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September 2nd will be our First Wednesday Gathering!  Set aside time during your week to gather together, worship, pray and seek the Lord together!  We will be gathering at Pastor John & Glenda Nordstrom’s home at 7pm.

Community Involvement Opportunity

Our local PADS Shelter is looking for help during the upcoming busy season.  All volunteers must be trained.  The next training is tomorrow at 4:30 pm.  The shelter opens September 1st, and will then host trainings every Tuesday at 4pm.
The shelter is open from 5 pm-9 am, and 4 hour shifts are available, throughout the night.  If you, or a group, is interested in serving at the PADS Shelter, please contact them at 815-433-1292.  Thank you!